Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Michele Caminati - Super Genius

Sorry we haven't posted anything for 3 weeks... just busy.

One of the benefits of the Euro-trip was meeting some really strong climbers. One of them is the newest member of the Revolution Team: Michele Caminati.

Other than climbing, Michele is a University student working on Mathematics. So I proposed a little question to him that I've been thinking about: What is the force of a falling climber's impact on a Crash Pad?

Here's some of what he wrote back:

"... its total kinetical energy at the ground is Ek=mgoh and in the case of our 75 kilos climber falling from 2 meters would be Ek=75*9,8*2=1470 J (as the Joul "J" is the measure unit for energy: 1J=1N*1meter)..."


I forgot to tell him that I never even passed Basic Algebra in High School, so everything he wrote might as well be in Chinese. But thanks for the effort, Mike.

Michele also gained a lot of respect in my book by developing some new bouldering areas around Northern Italy. Here's a little video of his work...

Monday, May 4, 2009


I take back some of the things I said about Delta. The food still sucks, but at lease they added individual video screens with the option of a dozen movies.

Chillin' in Germany today. Going to Italy tomorrow. I'm going to tear shit up on the Autobahn.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Melloblocco part 8 ... and I'm out

Damn, the registration for this year's Melloblocco is a 28% increase since last year, and there's still 5 days until the event. I didn't think they would break the 2000 mark, but I'm sure they will.

28% doesn't sound like a big number, so I'll put it this way; As of 3pm my time, there's another 541 people registered, versus last year's registration. And like the last few years, there will be a lot more climbers arriving who have not registered.

Other than that, I have to start the long voyage in about 15 hours. I'll see if I can procure a lap-top in the next 4 days....